Monday, November 26, 2007


Twenty Fish!

Well it was time for a quick trip up to Arthurs to try and keep the tally ticking over. After a quiet day fly fishing the lake with Dad and Frakey, I only managed 2 on the first day, and that was only after I put away the fly rod and took the spinning rod night fishing.

The next day we drove around the lake and into Gunns and Little Lake, situated about 30 minutes to the north of Arthurs. The fishing there was amazing, although most of the fish were rather small. Strangely enough Little Lake isn’t even listed on the IFC waters database, but I can assure you it is there, and it fishes very well. I know what you’re thinking, “3 blokes, twenty fish, not bad”. Actually 20 was the total caught by Frakey. While many of these fish were small, others were quite reasonable. I saw him stand in the one spot on Little Lake and catch 11 fish in 45 minutes, outstanding! The hatch was a bit of everything, black spinner, red spinner, dun and gum beetle, and I think we all changed fly’s about 10 times, with the Adams Irresistible being the best performer.

So in the end I caught 4 on Saturday (2 size) and 7 on Sunday (3 size) for what was a very interesting trip. Good to give the old fly rod a run, and good to try a new water. I can see I’ll be back to those 2 again real soon.

Picture is Dad left and Frakey right on Little Lake

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