Saturday, September 10, 2005


The Golden Trout Award.

This Blog has been created as the official website of the Golden Trout Award.

So...What is the Golden Trout Award I hear you ask!

Now in it's 3rd year, the Golden Trout Award was created by 2 avid Tasmanian trout fishermen, namely myself (Simon) and Andrew, to add some spice to our trout fishing obsession by annually awarding a trophy (bragging rights) to who ever catches the most trout during the Tasmanian Fresh Water fishing season.

This Blog will serve as a running trout tally for this prestigious award, and will also contain some information on Tassie trout fishing, as well as some stories concerning how, where and when the trout were caught, because as any fisherman knows, sometimes you catch a fish, sometimes you don’t catch a fish, but every fishing trip has a story to be told.

So sit back and relax, as the race for the coveted trophy begins.

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