Tuesday, November 01, 2005
The Thumper Award

Created by Andrew, the thumper award has been running for the same time as the Golden Trout Award, 2 years. This award is open to other fisherman within our trout fishing circle, and is awarded to the person who catches the biggest trout in a season. Also like the GTA, this trophy has been in Andrew possession for the past 2 years. While offering bragging rights of a different type, this award also gives the fisherman running behind in the GTA some hope that if he can just hook the big one, at least the thumper will be theirs!
The above photo is me holding an 8 pound trout caught last week from Lake Echo. No….I didn’t catch it, my Father-in-law did, but I am the better looking model to photograph! It was my first trip to Lake Echo and it is a very interesting lake with plenty of potential. Stocked this year with fingerling rainbow trout, the fishing was very hot, but the fish very small, but the next 6 months or so should see these fish getting to around a pound and well worth it. The browns were a better size, but harder to find. I will be back!