Monday, January 23, 2006


Back on top!

Well the small fish have helped me again, with 4 Rainbows of just size landed on Saturday, which puts me back in the lead by 1. The irony of it all was that Andrew and I were fishing together for the first time in months, so he got to watch as I caught up and over took him. Would have been nice to get some decent sized fish (which Rowallan can produce), but it was better than nothing.

Lake Rowallan
Situated at the top of the Mersey River, Lake Rowallan makes up part of the Mersey Forth Power Scheme, which is made up of 6 lakes. While this lake rarely produces big hauls of fish, it has produced some big fish (last years Thumper Award winner). It is also a very picturesque lake that is well sheltered from most winds, and well suited to over night camping expeditions. During the summer months this lake is usually dropped down to somewhere between 10 and 14 metres below full, however on this latest trip, the late rains resulted in it being only 3 metres below full. When the lake is down access is slightly harder, and boating more difficult, as the lake is full of dead trees and logs, however the fishing seems unaffected by the level of the water. The lake is populated with Brown and Rainbow trout and plenty of blackfish.

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