Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Easterly weather?

Well for years I have heard old timers talk about trout fishing and easterly weather, and how the 2 don’t mix. I always thought this was just another excuse in an ever growing list of excuses as to why people don’t catch trout. Well I can fight it no longer, and so I say it loud, trout fishing is crap during easterly weather. There I’m pleased I got that off my chest.

I don’t know what it is. I always thought that because Tassie usually gets lots of westerly weather, when the wind changes fishermen were simply fishing the wrong spots, and the trout probably move to a location better suited to feeding during easterly weather. However this season has seen more easterly weather than usual (or perhaps my fishing trips have fallen on the wrong weekends), and I have seen trout simply ignore baits and lures, or follow slowly along behind a lure just to lose interest and swim away. One afternoon on the Mersey River I even managed to get a soft plastic to basically swim into a trout’s mouth, and then watched the trout just sit there with the lure in its mouth, not eating it, not swimming away, just sitting there. When I tried to set the hook he simply opened his mouth, let the lure swim away, and then just sat there in the shallows.

This season has also seen some excellent fishing at Arthurs Lake, and all these trips were during westerly weather that immediately followed several days of easterly winds. So I’m converted. Will I still go fishing during easterly weather? Hell yeah! But I might take more beer with me, just in case.

So why all this bitching about the weather anyway, this ain’t the weather fish :-) , well as you may have guessed I spent the weekend at Arthurs Lake and only managed 1 small trout. So the lead increases by 1, but a 2 trout lead is less than I was hoping.

Ps. Congratulations Andrew on your new baby girl, hope she keeps you busy long enough to allow me to extend my lead a little further.

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