Monday, March 27, 2006


R 'N' R at Rowallan pays off!

Firstly, thanks Simon for you warm wishes on the birth of my daughter.

Well, I managed to get up to Rowallan for some much needed r 'n' r. I didn't expect to catch anything based on how Rowallan can normally be, but I was rather surpised at what happened. With-in 10 minutes of fishing I had 2 rainbows on the bank, one of which I put back, it would have been around 250mm. I caught these first 2 on the good ol' green 'n' gold spinner. After loosing a couple of lures, I landed another rainbow on a green 'n' gold frog pattern wobbler. I hook a few more but they got off, some were rather small. There is also an interesting story behind one off the catches, but I'll save that for the weather-fish next week when I'm back on deck.

It is also interesting to note that a Southerly change had just gone thru after several days of Easterly weather.

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