Wednesday, August 16, 2006


And so it begins….again.

Well race fans, another season has arrived, and so the competition for the coveted GTA has begun anew.

My season started as it quite often does, with a trip to the Mersey River. Due to the record low temperatures and low rain fall over the past few months, my expectations were about the same as the river level….low. I got off to a bad start after nose diving my 4wd into a deep water crossing, and having to spend around 20 minutes with a shovel, rocks, branches and creative thinking to get un-stuck (the Hilux is with the mechanic today assessing any damage).

However after a slow start I did quite a bit of spinning and managed a small trout (24cm) in about 20 minutes, closely followed by a slightly larger specimen. Then about 30 minutes later I landed a 60cm, 3lb fish, and was left very surprised. As this section of the river is fished regularly, I can only assume that this trout was one stocked by the IFS, so thanks guys. Interesting to note that this fish was the exactly same length as my largest trout last season, however was a full 1lb lighter. Fortunately it was still in reasonable condition, and an excellent table fish.

So like last season, I’m off to an early lead! Hopefully that is the only common thread to last season competition.

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