Sunday, November 05, 2006



Let me start this blog with an explanation of the fishing term “bag”. All inland fisheries in Tasmania are governed by the Inland Fisheries Service, who sets a maximum catch limit (or bag limit) against all Tasmanian inland fisheries. Generally this limit is 12 trout, but some lakes have larger bag limits, and some have smaller bag limits.

Last year I visited Lake Echo (blog 1/11/2005) and reported “It was my first trip to Lake Echo and it is a very interesting lake with plenty of potential. Stocked this year with fingerling rainbow trout, the fishing was very hot, but the fish very small, but the next 6 months or so should see these fish getting to around a pound and well worth it. The browns were a better size, but harder to find. I will be back! " Well I went back, and it was well worth the trip. While the weather may have been cold and drizzly, the fishing was hot. Denzil and I fished for 3 hours on the first night and landed 6 nice rainbows around the 1.5-2lb mark, and the next day saw more of the same. After trolling rainbows in the morning (4 each) we went to the top end of the lake into Broken Bay for the afternoon to look for browns. We landed one each trolling and then started drift spinning, which had me landing 5 fish in 45 minutes, putting me on 10 for the day, and with a chance to bag out for the fist time in history. The next 2 fish were harder to find, but 1 good rainbow and 1 small brown trout later I had achieved something I never thought I ever would, 12 trout in one day. While technically I didn’t bag out because I didn’t keep all 12 trout, and I could have kept fishing, I don’t really care, it was still a great days fishing and I’m not about to kill fish I don’t need just for a technicality.

So there you have it. Lake Echo. A good spot. If your in a boat and find the rainbows, concentrate in the same area, as they tend to stick together, and if you can access the top end of the lake, head for Broken Bay and try a Black and Red cobra, you just never know.

Why get technical... still a great effort I'd say... just hope it doesn't become an annual thing :-)
here fishy fishy fishy!
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